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What are Housing Association Boards Looking For?

The three speakers at our Social Housing Boardroom Insights events were unanimous – a passion for the organisation’s purpose is a vital ingredient for Housing Association board members. Taking a […]

Cyber Resilience for Non-Executives

Rowena Ironside, Chair of Women on Boards UK, portfolio NED and a technology industry veteran, shares her advice on managing cyber risk from the board room. The boardroom is where […]

How to Make a Real Contribution to the NHS

Based on our ‘Healthcare Boardroom Insights’ webinar; held 26 March 2020. Our NHS has been a focus of national attention and appreciation, along with other key workers, as the ‘frontline’ […]

Preparing for a Board Interview - 10 Tips

By Rowena Ironside, Sarah Laessig and Caroline Emmet. If you have made it to an interview, we want to make sure that you do yourself justice. Have you done the […]

Dealing With a Strong CEO

Seven DO’s and DON’Ts from our Directors’ Circle There are many issues a non-executive may encounter in the boardroom, and the real challenge in planning our Directors’ Circle events is […]

Are You Board Ready?

Many consider a non-executive position to be something you take on after a successful career. We disagree! Increasingly, modern leaders combine executive and non-executive roles throughout their careers. Whilst the […]

The Role of the Chair

The role of the Chair is critical to the successful functioning of a board. It is a complex, multi-faceted role where emotional intelligence is as important as intellect and breadth of […]

Governance Basics

All boards are tasked with the governance of their organisation, which broadly involves strategy, scrutiny and compliance. Here we bring together some useful resources surrounding compliance and the different codes, structures […]

Strengthening the Board's Moral Compass

Five key factors to reduce the potential for ‘board failure’ The board’s conscience and commitment to do the right thing is a key approach to reducing board failures and scandals. […]