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Your Board CV

Information, advice and templates to create an impactful non-executive CV.

Writing a Board-Ready Cover Letter

If you want to land a position on a board, you’ll need to craft a compelling cover letter. While your board CV will outline how you’re a good candidate for […]

Applying for a NED or Trustee Role

Non-executive director roles often attract a lot of applications; paid roles, in particular, are very competitive. So rule number one: DON’T simply send a copy of your executive CV and […]

Writing Your LinkedIn Profile to Secure a NED Role

LinkedIn plays a key role in recruitment of all types today. Most recruiters will cross-reference your application with your LinkedIn profile. Having an up-to-date accurate profile is now a ‘must’. […]

How to interview effectively - virtually

Sophie Eden Co-founder of Gordon & Eden executive search. Sophie Eden shares her tips in the context of virtual interviews and from her 15+years experience of supporting hundreds of candidates into the […]

Writing a Board Ready CV

We offer a range of support to create a Board CV which does you justice as a candidate. This article by our founders Rowena Ironside and Ruth Medd shares some […]