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In the boardroom

Advice and experience on how to approach a new non-executive position, and develop your board career. See our Governance Resources.

Embracing ESG

Many companies now recognise the importance of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and its role in driving organisational success. With increasing regulations, growing stakeholder interest and potential legal risks, boards […]

Understanding the Role of the Board Chair

Moving into a Chair role isn’t just a title change but a significant shift in your responsibilities within the board. As the Chair, you are expected to actively contribute to […]

What You Need to Know About Governance

The primary responsibility of all boards is to ensure effective governance within their organisation. This involves strategic planning, thorough oversight, and compliance with regulations. To excel as a Non-Executive Director, […]

The Importance of Board Committees

Boards will often assign specific tasks they are ultimately responsible for to committees where the board may not have sufficient time and/or resources to manage effectively. While board committees may […]

Member Discounts and Recommendations

Many of our members undertake formal qualifications in governance and board work. Here, we share some from partner organisations who have good quality offerings at different levels. Whilst we are […]

Tips for our members, from our members.

Are you considering taking on a non-executive role in 2024 or are you already on a board looking to improve your skills and performance? Throughout 2023, some of our members […]

When to make the move to a portfolio career

A portfolio career is as individual as the professional living it. Most encompass a mix of non-executive board roles (paid and pro bono), consultancy in your professional field, and/or mentoring […]

The Director's Dilemmas

The Director’s Dilemmas is a series of case studies created by Julie Garland McLellan, based on real events and three sample solutions from governance practitioners. Read each of the Dilemmas here:

Effective Stakeholder Communications

Webinar recording with Sallie Pilot from Black Sun Stakeholder Communications  How is your board ensuring effective stakeholder communications during and post the Covid pandemic? Listen to this webinar recording when Sallie Pilot […]

Emotional intelligence in the boardroom

Eilish Jamieson WOB Ambassador, Executive Coach, and Portfolio NED An interview with Dr Ali Budjanovcanin (Kings Business School & certified EQ practitioner) by Eilish Jamieson We are all aware that […]

Dealing With a Strong CEO

Seven DO’s and DON’Ts from our Directors’ Circle There are many issues a non-executive may encounter in the boardroom, and the real challenge in planning our Directors’ Circle events is […]