News and Views

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Top Tips for Joining a Board

Fiona Hathorn, Women on Boards UK, October 2018 To get anywhere in life, you need to know who you are, where you are, and how you might get there.  It sounds quite […]

3 Great Reasons to Consider a Board Role

Many people see non-executive roles as something you can only do after reaching the top in your executive career – we disagree! There is a huge variety of board roles […]

Books --- Recommended Reading

A few books we think you might enjoy. How the World Really Works: A Scientist’s Guide to Our Past, Present and Future Vaclav Smil 2022 Stage (Not Age) How to […]

ESG and Climate Resources for Directors

Latest update – The Transition Planning Taskforce (TPT) has published sector guidance to support change within companies. The seven sector guides cover Asset Management, Asset owners, Banks, Electric, Utilities & […]

Three Key Actions to Step up to Chair

The Chair is key to any board – shaping how it runs and making a significant contribution to the organisation. Experienced NEDs who are comfortable in the non-executive role may […]

ON BOARD FOR SUCCESS: Anica Alvarez Nishio

Anica Alvarez Nishio NED for VAPC (Arm’s Length Advisory Body to the Ministry of Defence); National Institute of Health and Care Excellence Quality Standards Advisory Committee, National Institute of Health […]