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Boardroom Briefing: April 2024

A brief monthly update on corporate governance and related areas from Pinsent Masons This month’s briefing includes responses to the government’s call for evidence on the non-financial reporting framework and […]

Meet the Headhunters

We know the non-executive recruiters who are keen to meet you! Join our regular ‘Meet the Headhunter’ sessions to connect with specialist recruitment partners in the non-exec board space. Open […]

Applying for a NED or Trustee Role

Non-executive director roles often attract a lot of applications; paid roles, in particular, are very competitive. So rule number one: DON’T simply send a copy of your executive CV and […]

Boardroom Briefing: March 2024

A brief monthly update on corporate governance and related areas from Pinsent Masons This month’s briefing includes news on the FRC’s review of reporting by large private companies, the Investment […]

Writing Your LinkedIn Profile to Secure a NED Role

LinkedIn plays a key role in recruitment of all types today. Most recruiters will cross-reference your application with your LinkedIn profile. Having an up-to-date accurate profile is now a ‘must’. […]

How to Join a Hospitality Board

The hospitality industry includes some of the most well-known consumer brands and has faced significant changes in recent years. Boards play a crucial role in steering the direction of their […]

Key Learnings from The Parker Review

With the latest EY Parker Review report highlighting the progress made in ethnic diversity, it is clear that companies are taking steps towards creating more diverse workforces. However, the report […]

The Insider's Guide to Being a Young Trustee

Maya Ophelia, Content Marketing Manager at WB Directors, shares her insights and tips on being a young trustee. Joining a board in my twenties with no senior leadership experience was […]

Leading vs Managing

Understanding the differences between leading and managing is crucial for effective decision-making and team dynamics. Although the two terms are often used interchangeably, they have subtle differences that impact outcomes. […]

Juggling a board role with your life

How do you manage your responsibilities as a board member while juggling a full-time job and other important commitments? It can feel challenging to maintain a fulfilling work-life balance when […]

Boardroom Briefing: February 2024

A brief monthly update on corporate governance and related areas from Pinsent Masons This month’s briefing includes news on the FRC’s new UK Corporate Governance Code, the FCA’s consultation paper […]