Angela Henderson
Portfolio NED at inter alia Credit Suisse Asset Management; Governor at Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust
“The Getting to the C-Suite programme has been very useful to me as a portfolio NED on a number of levels. Its content is all about leadership and I found it just as relevant as an executive or a non-executive.
I use the tools from the programme a lot in my non-executive work. For example, I’m scheduling a strategy day for a board that I chair. I’m clear on how applying the processes we covered around strategic thinking will improve the outcome of a specific project we’re running. I’ve also been able to convince the others involved of the benefits of this approach. I’m not sure I would have done this, or not in the same way, before doing the Getting to the C-Suite leadership programme.
I have also sharpened my understanding of what skills C-Suite executives need, both individually and as a team. This clarity is extremely relevant in my roles on Nominations Committees. I am bringing this knowledge to bear in a number of recruitment processes for both executive and non-executive appointments.
“One module in particular that has shifted how I view boardroom discussions is the Leading Collaboratively module.”
I’m not a natural antagonist but the course showed me why and how the right kind of disagreement is actually very useful. Although I’ve always been willing to put across my opinion, I now have far more confidence to disagree as I’m assured about doing it an effective way.
Finally, the language used in the programme is such an asset as it introduced me to some new vocabulary, particularly around being strategic. I’ve found this especially effective in my interviews for NED roles as speaking the language of the executive team is reassuring to those interviewers. I believe this will give me the edge in securing competitive non-executive positions.
I would definitely recommend the Getting to the C-Suite programme to others. It’s not a cheap course, but the investment is worth it. Executive or non-executive, the programme is so useful to brush up on your high-level leadership skills.